

"Good afternoon, Terri, and how are you today," the man with the deep voice asked in a subdued tone?!? "Im just fine, sir," she asked with her head bowed!?! "Are you ready for your session," he asked softly?!? "Yes, sir, Im ready," she whispered!!! "Very good," he replied, "remove your clothing and assume the position!!!" Terri silently removed all of her clothing and quickly climbed upon a long narrow table, and while leaving her arms at her sides, she spread her legs and waited for her masters next command!!!

Terri had never actually seen the face of her master, and in fact she didnt even know his name, but at least twice a month for the past four years she had been making the trip from her north side apartment to the large Victorian mansion on the far south side where she allowed herself to be dominated by this unknown stranger!!! In perhaps one out of ten visits her master would actually show himself and personally use her for his sexual pleasure, but usually she would be used and abused by several of his female subserviants!!! As she lay there nervously wondering what todays session would hold for her, two naked nymphets appeared out of nowhere and restrained her wrists and ankles with leather straps, as the deep voice of her master asked softly, "You know what comes next dont you, Terri!?!" "Yes," she replied weakly, "theyre going to shave me!!" "Shave you where, Terri," he replied, "tell me exactly where you are to shaved!?!" Just as she was about to answer his question, one of the women pured warm oil onto her vagina and began massaging her with her soft delicate hands causing Terri to gasp and reply, "O-on my vagina, sir, theyre going to shave my vagina!!!"

For the next seveal minutes the only sounds audible in the dimly lit room were Terris loud moans and of course the squishing echos coming from her oil covered pussy!!! "Are you read, dear," her masters voice asked sternly, "are you ready for my children to clean your sex!?!" "Oh, yessssss," s... Läs hela novellen

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