The birthday present that did not cost a dime

The birthday present that did not cost a dime

I came home from School and chucked all my stuff down on the couch. It had been a busy day and i was rushed off my feet all day. I forgot my P.E kit, Geography was a bore,I had 3 detentions to juggle and i lost my anorak.

Mum came in from the Kitchen her face like thunder. I felt she had already heard teh worst of my detentions from my brother. She had!

"Im mighty Pissed Christopher!" she said in a sharp tone. "And dont think you can apologise to me!"

"But mum, those detentions were not acceptable i.." but before i could finish she interrupted.

"Bollocks to teh detentions, you have forgotten something else son." she said with her hands on her hips.

"What is today?" she questioned

"Umm June 27th why?" i re-questioned

"And what is s special about the 27th of this particluar month" she said even sterner.

My brother walked past whistling the tune of happy birthday

"Shit, im so sorry mum! Shit Shit Shit!" i said looking sullen

"It is too late now,your dad is going to be dissapointed. He comes home from the office in 10 minutes. You should be ashamed of yourself!" she shouted "And! im disgusted to think as well..that your having additional thoughts about us!"

I looked at her..and went bright red!

Shit i thought had she found my diary. All my incestious thoughts about my cousin Lucy were in that little black book.

"i cannot believe.." she shut the door so my brother could not hear "..that you could think of Little Lucy like that!"

"Im sorry mother!" i said nearly in tears

"Sorry is not the word it is shameful! I have the right of mind to punish you for that seedy secret!"

I began to cry.

"I just dont know why your father doesnt just spank you, i mean your not too old you..." she stopped

"im sorry mother.." i sobbed

" ok yes apology accepted!" she said with her mind ticking over.

"Look Christopher..umm let it all be forgotten..umm go up into my room and ill discuss more to you - how we can get round this ... Läs hela novellen

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The birthday present that did not cost a dime

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