Somthing new

Somthing new

“You ready,” Debbie asked her friend Maureen as she stopped by her best friend’s desk, “I can’t wait another minute, I’m just about ready to burst!?!” “Me too,” Mo replied while putting the finishing touches on a report that Mr. Bently had ask her to prepare before his trip to New York later that afternoon, “just let me drop this off at the boss’s office, he’s been on my case all morning to get this done before noon!!!” “No problem,” Debbie replied as they made their way to Mr. Bently’s office, “are yours full, mine feel like they’re gonna explode!?!” Mo slipped into Bently’s office and dropped the report on his desk, and after making sure that he couldn’t miss it, she let Debbie take her by the arm and lead down the hall to the nursing room which was located just across from the lunchroom! Once inside they locked the door and settled down in two of the easy chairs their company had provided, and in a workman like manner both of them removed their blouses and bras!!!

“Good god, I feel like such a cow,” Debbie muttered under her breath while connecting one of her nipples to an industrial strength breast pump sitting on a table next to her chair, “and to think that I’m gonna have to do this for another year!!!” Mo was busy with her own pump, and after she had her nipple properly attached to the suction hose she flipped on the switch and a motor began whirring softly while extracting the bluish milk from her bulging breast and commented, “Oh man does that feel good, they felt like a couple of beach balls pasted to my chest, I actually believe I’m making more milk than ever, what about you!?!” “Me too,” Debbie replied as her own pump began draining her oversized mammary, “at least at night Doug can relieve some of the pressure without having to use this damn contraption!!!” “Mmmmmm, I just love it when Harry sucks me,” Mo replied dreamily, “he takes more than the baby, but I guess he’s just a big baby at heart, you oughta see him, he just lets me cradle his head in ... Läs hela novellen

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