Pregnant and peeing

Pregnant and peeing

My name is Michelle and Im writing this story about what happened to me 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. They say that a womans sexual drive is usually increased during pregnancy and I think mine was in overdrive, as all I wanted was sex and I didnt care where or how I got it. I was 4 months into my pregnancy when I had to attend my first ultra sound. I remember my notes saying that I had to drink a litre of water at least 1 hour before hand so the ultra sound would be able to get a good image of the baby.

As I arrived at the clinic almost an hour later I was in extreme pain from all the water, and asked the nurse if I could go and relieve some of the pressure. She asked me to hang on, as I was the next patient to be seen.

Another 10 minutes had passed before It was my turn as I rushed into the room and closed the door behind me. The woman that was to do the ultrasound was quite young I thought for such a procedure maybe in her mid twenties. But she was quite attractive in a nice dress and your standard white lab coat. She told me to remove my pants and lie down on the bed. In my haste as I was now busting to go to the toilet I quickly removed my pants, and at the same time my panties not thinking what I was doing, and jumped up onto the bed. The name on her badge said Sandra and she started to explain to me what she was about to do, as this was the first ultra sound that I had ever had.

She lubed up the sensor and started to press it firmly onto my womb. She told me that I didnt need to remove my panties, as it was not necessary to go that low. I apologized to her saying that I didnt know what to expect. As she started to move the sensor around to get a good picture she was constantly pressing on my bladder. I told Sandra that I was going to wet myself soon and she suggested pulling my legs up as it would take some pressure off my bladder.

Sandra continued to probe with the sensor getting the pictures and things that she needed and I... Läs hela novellen

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