

Fuck me.

It was two days until I started my period and I was so goddamn horny I was ready to screw the neighbor’s dog the next time it came into my yard to pee on the shrubs. Instead, after a long day at the office, I showered and slipped into my favorite over-sized shirt. Padding barefoot and bare-assed down the carpeted stairs, it was my plan to curl up in front of the television for an evening of watching X-rated videos and playing with a variable speed massager that I bought to treat a knee injury but ended up using as a vibrator. As my feet touched the floor of the entry hall, the doorbell rang. I watched a shadow cross the frosted sidelights and gave only fleeting thought to my state of near undress. Not expecting company, I went to the door to dispense of the salesman, missionary or whoever it was and get on with my masturbation marathon.

Cracking the door open, I braced it with my shoulder and peered out onto the porch. Bathed in the orange cast of a street lamp, a late-middle-aged man dressed in a dark wool top coat doffed his hat, cleared his throat and gestured to a light-colored sedan stopped at the end of my front walk. “Excuse me. I’m sorry to bother you, Miss, but both my tire and my spare are flat. I was going to call the auto club but I’m afraid my cell-phone battery is flat, too. May I use your phone?”

Looking past the man’s shoulder, I scanned the side of the car and found that the back tire on the passenger side was, indeed, flat. Considering whether I should let him in to use the phone or leave him standing on the porch while I made the call on his behalf, I glanced at his face only to find him staring at my chest. Barely buttoned to start with, when I opened the door, my blouse caught on the deadbolt latch and was pulled wide open, exposing most of my generous right breast. The lustful look on the stranger’s face as he stared at my bare nipple stirred me to make a split-second decision. He wasn’t the neighbor’s dog but he’d do. I ste... Läs hela novellen

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30 år
13/12 2023

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Joeli , 19

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