Cant win for losing

Cant win for losing

Man theres more to that old saying than I ever realized. Just when I thought things were going pretty well in my life, something totally unexpected comes along to make it better, followed by something so radical that I begin to wonder if Ive made some bad choices in how Ive changed my life. I guess to understand what Im saying, I need to fill you in more about me. Hi, my name is Kathy. Im married to a wonderful guy, have a great family, live in a middle class type of neighborhood where nothing out of the ordinary goes on. I survived a semi closeted childhood where sex was never discussed. Do you remember the book that came out in the 70s called "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask"? A copy was strategically located so I could find it in I was in eight grade. It answered a lot of questions I was afraid to ask anyone about. I had older siblings, but I couldnt talk to them. Talk to my parents?? Are you nuts? Everyone else my age was just as stupid as I was, they were of no help either. So I loved it when the house was empty except for me, and I could pull the book out and learn all kinds of neat and interesting things. It was my first exposure to anything close to erotic writing. The only problem was it left me frustrated as hell, not being old enough to experiment except in the privacy of my own bedroom. Absolutely amazing what items around the house a young female can find to play with.

Thus I entered my early twenties still a virgin of sorts. Oh the hymen was gone by then, Id taken care of that somewhere along the way, but Id never had a date. I was constantly too busy studying, and no guy my age wanted to ask a girl out that wore glasses or got better grades than he did in physics. I was a threat I guess. Pity really, that I lost so much time compared to other girls my age. But I made up for it once I met the man of my dreams and married him. We learned about love and sex together and we were damn fine at it too, so we thought. But ... Läs hela novellen

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Cant win for losing

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