Blown fuses

Blown fuses

Not long after I got settled into my new home I noticed my Realtor staking a for-sale sign in the neighbors yard. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I was not saddened by the prospect of the crazy people next door being replaced. I smiled and waved as she drove off, hoping she would find a new owner who at least saw the value in cutting the grass regularly.

A couple months passed and spring was blossoming. People were opening their windows to the still cool breezes. It was around that time I noticed a moving van rolling down the street and stopping in front of the house next door. The usual curiosity took over and I watched from my living room window to see who my new neighbors might be. Although disappointed that all I could see were two men from the moving company, I kept looking and a short time later, a car pulled into the drive with out-of-state plates on it.

Not wanting to appear like the nosey neighbor, I stepped back from the window a bit, but kept observing as a beautiful woman emerged from the car. God, I hope thats my new neighbor I thought to myself! I immediately started plotting how I could introduce myself and welcome her to our quiet little street.

The following Saturday was a warm one.. and I took the opportunity to get out and start tackling some of those outdoor projects that had been put off for the winter. It was then that I saw her again.. she had just arrived home from the store it appeared with a carload of necessities for her new house. I figured this was my chance and although I was a little dirty from yardwork, I didnt want to miss it. I took those long steps across the lawn to offer my assistance. I extended my hand and gave her a warm welcome.

I tried not to stare, but my eyes followed the wonderful curves of her body until her eyes captured mine. She was even more beautiful up close. Im not sure what I even said.. but I learned her name was Jessica and she had just relocated from out west. I helped her get some of her larger ... Läs hela novellen

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13/12 2023

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Blown fuses

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